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Showing posts from November, 2013

do something

My husband threw a few logs on the fireplace the other night and standing there watching the dancing flames, I had a feeling of guilt overtake me. I thought, “I am really blessed in the grand scheme of things! I have a roof over my head and a kindling fireplace to enjoy the warmth with my family. Yes, I am blessed; however, too many families aren’t so fortunate.”   As the cold air whirled outside my cozy home I knew there is someone; some family; some small child who was not warming by a fireplace but who instead would be fighting off the frigid weather, without a home and some even without basic winter apparel. Far too many people will go through this Holiday season struggling to stay out of the harsh elements and we will sit around our fireplaces with our families enjoying life. Is that a bad thing, of course not? Nevertheless, it should be concerning to us that at last count; there were nearly 250 people in this community without a permanent residence.   Yes...
My post today was originally going to be about the Christmas Baskets program, but as I sat down to write, I found that my heart was heavy with another topic. It is heavy because it is the biggest holiday season of the year and a young girl was killed just over a week ago, allegedly shot by another young person. Let me begin by saying that I did not know the victim. I don't know her family, her friends. I don't live in her neighborhood. I've heard stories from many who did know her, who are devastated by her loss. All the sympathetic words and the vigils in her honor combined cannot piece the lives that were destroyed back together. Not even time can do that entirely. But I would be remiss in remaining silent despite not knowing her personally. She did not die a natural death. She did not pass away peacefully in her sleep, or even from a long drawn out terminal illness. She died at the hands of another child. When I was fifteen, it never even crossed my mind that I could...

Coats for Kids

The 2013 Coats for Kids drive is in great shape now, but we still need your help to meet the need of families seeking coats.  When coats are donated, they are taken to a cleaner to make sure the coats are ready to wear when they are distributed by participating clothing rooms.  There are wonderful volunteers keeping the coats moving.  We don't store them for some big give away day, they are taken from the cleaners to the clothing rooms to be given out as soon as they can be. There are so many wonderful places that allow us to collect the coats.  It shouldn't be hard to find a place convenient for you: Classic Cleaners, 2474 N. Main, Decatur Corner Cleaning Connection, 1154 E. Prairie Ave., Decatur CVS, Monroe & Pershing, Eldorado and Fairview, 16th & Cantrell in Decatur Decatur Public Library, 130 N. Franklin Street, Decatur Decatur Township, 1620 Taylorville Road GT Church Jane's Cleaners, 664 W. Eldorado Jerger Pediatric ...