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Showing posts from February, 2017

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Education

Dove’s Domestic Violence Program provides teen dating and domestic violence education to help teens understand healthy relationship characteristics and boundaries, recognize abusive behaviors and patterns, and know where and how to reach out for help for themselves or a friend. The Youth and Family Services Coordinator provides teen dating violence education to teens in high schools, middle schools, colleges, and youth organizations throughout DeWitt, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, and Shelby counties. Teen dating violence is often the first manifestation of domestic violence – many adults report that their first experience with domestic violence occurred in a teen relationship. The highest rates of domestic violence occur between the ages of 15-25. 1 in 3 teen girls report physical and/or sexual abuse by a dating partner and 7 out of 10 teens (both male and female) report verbal/emotional abuse, threats, and/or stalking by a dating partner. Teen dating violence can be...

Put Yourself First for a Change!

Valentine's Day is fast approaching and the many floral, candy and gift shops are getting ready for this romantic day of the year. For a lot of people who are fortunate to have that special someone in their life, this can be a very special romantic day together. For others, it is anything but romantic! 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will be victims of domestic violence in her or his lifetime. While some are enjoying the candy hearts, flowers, and candlelit dinners, others have painful memories of past relationships or living each day in fear, walking on eggshells with their current abusive partner.   Whatever you may be feeling this year on Valentine's Day, I suggest you take the opportunity to remind yourself that you are special and you deserve to be loved, not just by a significant other, but loved by YOU. This is a perfect time to begin anew, and start taking care of yourself. Do something special for yourself. Make your favorite meal or splu...