The 12th annual Domestic Violence Counts Report is in. On 9-13-17, 1,694 out of 1,873 (90%) identified domestic violence programs in the US participated in the National Census of DV Services. The following are some of the figures that represent the information provided by these 1,694 participating programs during this 24-hour period. • 72,245 victims were served in one day • 40,470 adult & child victims of DV found refuge in emergency shelters or transitional housing provided by local DV programs • 31,775 adult & child victims received non-residential assistance and services that included counseling, legal advocacy and children’s support groups • 20,352...
Dove is an organization that engages religious institutions, volunteers, and advocates seeking to coordinate efforts to address unmet needs and social injustices. These needs are met through coordinated programs focusing on domestic violence, homelessness, education, volunteer and community empowerment, and individual emergency need fulfillment. Dove works for justice, equality, and understanding among all people.