Neighborhoods are alive
and well in Decatur. Summertime is the best time for neighborhoods and their
activities because we are a network of being outside enjoying the summer sun in
our parks! The winter weather keeps us inside way too long. Who wants to picnic
in the snow? The neighborhoods schedule, clean ups to make their area look
good, they have pot luck picnics and regular picnics at a drop of a hat. Some
of them have recruitment celebrations to bring in new members, summer gardens
to share with their small community, and there are even neighborhoods that work
with the Park District and their Free Lunch Program in the parks. If you notice
most of these activities involve food. What better way to get to know your
neighbors than a picnic or a dinner. Down through the years people have been
doing things like this over food. Then to wrap everything up is the large
celebration of National Night Out and give a going away party for crime. Soon
after then it will be time to return to school.
This year there are going to be some Block
Parties, and neighborhood walks with the city governments, art classes, and
celebrations in some of the parks for special occasions not to mention the
neighborhoods that have park concession stands. There is nothing any more
appetizing than smelling freshly popped popcorn coming from a park especially
when there is a ball game in that neighborhood park that’s free to watch.
The best part of working
in and with your neighbors is to work at creating relationships with the people
you see every day, every week, every year whether it’s across your fences or
out on the street when you are leaving and coming home. You all watch same
seasons change and you watch each other’s children grow up. And in worst cast
scenarios you are there in emergencies for each other. Sometimes it’s a bond that lasts for years. So
take advantage of activities in your neighborhood, it doesn’t cost a thing
except a small portion of your time.
-Francie Johnson, Dove
Community Services/Decatur Area Project Director
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